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The Do’s & Don’ts of Cheese Storage

Posted by Anna Laurin on

How to best store cheese is a question for the ages (cheese ages to be exact). From reusable bee wax paper and plastic wrap to food storage containers and even a mini wood cheese cave, it can feel a bit overwhelming to know what is the best method.

Don’t worry we’ve got you covered when it comes to storing The Creamery cheeses.

To safely store your cheeses and maintain the great flavor you expect, we have provide the main do’s and do not’s to cheese storage.

1. DO NOT freeze your cheese

While freezing your cheese doesn’t make it inedible, it does zap the cheese of its flavor, changes its texture and its ability to age. Which is not the best way to enjoy The Creamery cheeses.

If you are wanting to store for longevity, we suggest checking out our tips on freezing cheese under our cheese storage FAQ and using previously frozen cheeses for cooking purposes only.

DO refrigerate your cheese

Most cheeses like higher temperatures and humidity levels than the rest of your refrigerated goods. A great place to keep your cheeses is in the produce drawer. The higher temperatures and humidity will help keep your cheeses moist and flavorful for longer.

To get full enjoyment from your cheese, let it warm up to room temperature starting about an hour before you’re ready to eat.

 2. DO NOT suffocate your cheese

Cheeses are food made up of living organisms that have a need to breath. A material like plastic wrap is tight with no movement for air flow, which can cause condensation to build up, leaving you with a half-soggy and half-dry cheese.

DO use breathable wraps

The best way to store your cheese is in cheese storage paper — a paper coated in both wax and polyethylene, which forms a barrier that wicks excess moisture away from the cheese while still allowing it to breathe.

If you don’t have cheese storage paper a next best and less expensive option would be to wrap the cheese in parchment or wax paper and place it in a resealable baggie. This method provides a bit of breathability for the cheese without drying it out.

For a deeper dive continue reading our FAQs of Cheese Care.

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