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Sharp Cheddar Taco Shells

Posted by Anna Laurin on
Sharp Cheddar Taco Shells

Start to finish: 25 minutes
Makes: 6 shells


  • 8 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

Special tools

  • 2 empty paper towel rolls


  • Heat oven to 400 F
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place ¼ cup of cheddar onto the baking sheet in circular mounds. (The cheese melts together and spreads out to form the shell.) Repeat with remaining cheese, placing mounds 2 inches apart
  • Bake for 12–15 minutes or until shells start to brown
  • While the shells bake, wrap each paper towel roll in aluminum foil. Set aside
  • Remove shells from the oven and carefully, using a flat spatula, remove shell from the baking sheet and lay it over the paper towel roll. Using your fingers or tongs, lightly wrap the shell around the roll to form the shape of a crunchy taco shell
  • Let cool 5 minutes before filling with your favorite meat and toppings


Recipe and image provided by Half & Half magazine.

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